Old age is a time to enjoy moments with family and learn the actual meaning of relaxation. But is it really easy to be old? It differs from person to person. This is because the biggest reason that kills you in old age is the lack of a companion. Research also proved that a feeling of emptiness significantly affects individual health.
This research further concluded that there is a strong relationship among physical, mental health and age of a person that is making it necessary for an aged person to remain in touch with family and friends.
So, loneliness is the thing that our elderly are commonly experiencing. Studies show that some old age people feel disconnected from their loved ones, while others spent most of their time watching TV. This is a serious scenario which is playing with the life of our beautiful souls. Our parents give us strength when we are a child, and when they grow old, we should return them the same empathy. Although it is the duty of the child to take care of their parents in old age, still there are some elderly who are not as fortunate. So, here are some useful tips that can help old-aged to get rid of loneliness.
Ways To Tackle Loneliness
Social Media – A Strong Communication Channel
The Internet has spread its legs throughout the world, and social media is one of its strong parts. Networking through social media has given a whole new definition to the way we connect our family and friends. Not only our loved ones, but it also gave us the best medium to connect like-minded people. Apart from this, Social media broke geographical boundation. It is also a great asset to get rid of loneliness. It offers proper guidance at every step to people that are not familiar with social media. One of the best examples of social media is Facebook. This is a social networking website that allows people to do a video call, voice call and chats with one another and any time.
Be A Part Of A Community
The second best way to get rid of loneliness is to become a part of a community where people like you. Lots of groups are there to encourage people to get in touch with one another worldwide. A person feels joyous when you exchange thoughts with people like you. Through websites, one can easily check the upcoming events and interesting activities in nearby space.
Be An Unpaid Volunteer
Old age is a time till what a person completes all its hobbies, and he gets over the desire for money or something in return. So, joining a non-profit organisation adds meaning to aged people. Doing something for needy people without expecting anything from them gives a sense of pride and encourages our elderly to live the rest of their life happily. There are endless websites that display various possibilities for old aged people where they can give their contribution financially or non financially. One can notice good changes in their mental and physical health after joining community services.
Take Care Of A Pet
The relation between a pet and a human is known as the truest friendship of the world. Only your pet is the creature that can love you unconditionally. The sense of sincerity you can expect to a pet that you can not get from a human. Which pet will suit you the most differs person to person. Having a pet gives you a sense of raising a child. Also, you do not find time to feel lonely. Above all, pets never leave you alone and become your companion for walking, going to the market, and for other activities as well. It is a complete exercise for your physical and mental health both. Pet gives you a reason to move out, try out new things, and keeps you busy in taking care and loving them. Sitting in the park with your pet is an incredible feeling.
These are the useful tips that will keep you away from loneliness. Surrounded by people whom you love gives you a feeling of completeness, but it is not possible for every person. So, doing something that gives you a sense of joy helps in combating loneliness. Apart from this, loneliness has many side effects like fear, stress, anxiety and many others for aged people. It is necessary to tackle them positively.
Here are some ways that can support them to prevent those side effects.
Say No To Stress By Taking A Nice Sleep
A time to relax completely is the best time of the day. This is the moment when we get rid of all the stress and tiredness from the day. Taking a nice sleep helps us gain our energy back and improve our immune system. Lack of sleep ultimately affects the health of a person negatively. We know this fact that taking a nice sleep throughout the night keeps you away from all the stress and makes you a happy person. Here are some useful tips to get rid of insomnia(lack of sleep):
- Reduce the usage of computers and mobile phones as they emit harmful lights.
- Avoid drinks that have Caffeine and nicotine as ingredients.
- Try to sleep at the same time daily.
- Natural medication
- Make your bedroom soothing.
To improve your immune system, it is necessary to decrease stress and anxiety. A stressed body is seen as a house of many diseases and reduced white blood cells. These cells create our immune system, and lack of these cells ultimately make you prone to get infected by deadly viruses. So, keep yourself happy all the time and be a reason for your strong immune system.
Keep Yourself Hydrated All The Time
Water is an important source of life which is making it necessary to keep your body hydrated with the right amount of water. Especially in winters, we avoid drinking water that makes us exposed to harmful disease. Water stops toxins from staying in our body and thus protects us from its side effects. When you suffer from any diseases, it causes dehydration. So, it becomes important to drink water or other necessary fluids to maintain hydration level.
Here fluid means warm water, ginger tea, and other fluids except alcohol and beverages contain caffeine and nicotine. It is recommended to drink lukewarm water along with lemon, honey or ginger if you want to improve your immune system. Also if you are not a diabetic patient, you can take one teaspoon of honey before going to sleep at night.
Instead of drinking sugary drinks, try natural drinks and see their miracle on your body. Natural drinks like coconut juice heal your body naturally and keep you away from upcoming disease. In some way or another, we neglect the importance of water in our daily life. This is due to our busy schedule and race behind money. So, stop ignoring the utmost need of life and remember one thing: “If there is life, then there is the world”.
Old peoples are the most precious souls in the world. Saving them will give you a life lesson that you may not know. Support them to fight loneliness and stay far away from stress and anxiety. Remember one thing you are here because of them. Your elderly gave you all the love throughout life. So, it’s our duty to give the same love and care in the last stage of their lives.